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Service in Schools Libguide: Resources for Adults


Virus- A very small particle that has a shell called a capsid. Inside the capsid is genetic material (material that builds proteins and cells of an organism). When a virus comes in contact with a living cell, it will enter the cell and infect it with the genetic material it carries. The virus takes over the cell, creates more copies of the virus, and spreads it to other cells in the organism. 

Coronavirus- A type of virus that can infect birds and mammals. They are round and have points sticking out of its surface. (Corona means crown, and these points resemble those on a crown). When a coronavirus affects a human, they may develop an illness, like a cold or flu.


Covid-19- A new coronavirus that is affecting humans. Sometimes it is called ‘novel’ coronavirus COVID 19 (novel means new). It can spread from person to person very quickly. It will infect a human by entering the nose, mouth, or eye. It can be breathed in from the air, or it could be on a surface such as a door handle (a person could touch the handle, then their mouth or nose and become infected). People can spread the virus without knowing they have it. Some people become very ill, and some will only experience a mild cold or flu.


Social Distancing- The act of physically staying apart from other people (6 feet or more) outside of the home. Also, we consider social distancing to be avoiding large public gatherings and crowded places.


Quarantine- Whether sick or healthy, staying separate from others and staying in the home (ex/ someone who travels from a country where a lot of people are ill will quarantine for 14 days to make sure they are not sick and do not spread the virus without knowing it).

Isolation- Separating sick people from healthy people.

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