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Kids Action Team: Animal Welfare

A service-learning after school program for students in grades K-5

Animal Welfare

Find formative texts, asynchronous virtual field trips, and partner resources for investigating and taking action on animal welfare. See how to access the free e-books and digital learning resources from Sora, Gale in Context, and other databases available through the NYC DOE Department of Library Services.  

Formative Texts

Build students' background knowledge on the topic of animal welfare with formative texts. Get started with the resources below and provide students with note-taking materials to guide their research. 

Story from Gale in Context: Elementary

  • Do a read-aloud of 'My Name is Angel' to launch a discussion of the role shelters play in caring for lost and homeless animals and the needs of pets.

Articles from Newsela

ACC Presentation Opportunity

  • Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) offers presentations to schools, and their team is happy to speak with groups of all ages about who they are and what they do, animal body language, and ways the community can join their mission to end animal homelessness in NYC. To schedule a presentation for your Kids Action Team, contact Katherine Reeves at

e-books for Service-Learning

Asynchronous Virtual Field Trips

Each virtual field trip deck includes background information and vocabulary, a brief video (3-10 minutes), and a link to an additional resource. If students will be accessing the trip asynchronously, instruct them to select full screen for the best viewing experience. Then they can use the arrows to advance through the deck and press "play" to watch the video.

Animal Welfare

Front Street Animal Shelter

Additional Partner Resources

Bolster students' research during with additional resources and opportunities to connect with experts and organizations. 

Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) 

  • Visit ACC's Community Kids page for information and ideas on how to help shelter animals. Check out the Cat Song to learn about cat behavior from a catchy, recognizable tune.

Adopt a Pet.Com 

Animal Behavior Posters

  • Access free posters on cat language and dog signals from artist Lili Chin to help students learn how to be safe and responsive around their pets, and educate others on animal behaviors.

How Can We Care for Animals?

Here's How We Can Entertain Our Furry Pets